Helium Recovery

Recovery for industrial processes

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Helium plays an important role in industry. Leak detection, purging and pressurising of manufactured components is often carried out with gaseous helium to check quality, integrity and safety. Currently much of that helium is vented to the atmosphere as part of the production process, gone never to be replaced.


Helium recovery can provide an effective way to control costs, ensure security of supply and reduce operational expenditure. And importantly stops the wasting of helium.


Crucially, it pays for itself. Our own experiences point to rapid payback on capital expenditure, sometimes periods of less than one year.

Helium recovery captures savings.

Investment proves a winner for University of Edinburgh


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Helium Recovery

Conserving helium through its recovery and reuse not only preserves a finite, valuable, natural resource, it also makes financial sense. At Motivair we are pioneering recovery systems for customers who value sustainability and a swift return on investment.
